In times of challenge it’s helpful to have a growth rather than fixed outlook on things to move forward in work and in life. We all know that – but knowing it doesn’t make it any easier. So how do you stay in a growth mindset?
Many of us have a natural tendency toward a fixed mindset.
ur background, our learning and our natural tendency pushes us in that direction. For a lot of people (and I count myself in this group) our psychology is geared to keep us safe. And safety often represents our most fixed mindset. It’s where we manage from – not where we thrive from.
First things first – that’s OK!!
In times like these we need to do what we can to manage and survive. However, as we move through the COVID-19 crisis there will come a time when you are ready for more. That might be at the beginning, the middle or the end – this is not a race – there is no winner!
How do you stay in a place of growth?
The best thing you can do is pause – frequently – and identify for yourself where your actions are coming from. What mindset is present for you today and how is that impacting on your actions and your decision making. Sometimes when you think you are being very “growth” about things – you actually aren’t!
It would be quite easy during this time to hide under your duvet and let this all pass. But in doing so, you miss out on opportunity and personal growth. One of the keys to having a growth mindset is having a wide and varied network of people that you engage with. These networks keep you learning and provide you with insight and necessary interaction. Keep connected, keep active and keep learning.
To yourself, to others. It’s so important right now. Kindness is contagious and it also helps to push your focus external to yourself. It doesn’t have to be big – just the simple act of reaching out to a neighbor will help to refocus on what is important and what matters.
Are you looking for a community that will support and challenge you to approach things with a growth mindset even when things are tough?