Kyempo Epicentre declares self-reliance.

25 Feb 2020
Author: Lian Choong
1 minute read

With our partnership, 5,500 people from Kyempo Epicentre in Ghana have been empowered to go from a life of aid dependency to one of complete self-reliance. This is what transformation looks like!

Kyempo Epicentre in Ghana have declared their self reliance!

Our Epicentre Strategy in Africa unites people from a cluster of villages to create a dynamic centre.

This "Epicentre" is where our village partners are inspired to act to meet their own basic needs.

At the physical centre of the Epicentre is a building that houses the community’s programs for health, education, food security and economic development and is a part of an integrated strategy. 

Alongside these programs, The Hunger Project delivers Vision, Commitment, Action workshops that empower our village partners to transform from waiting for hand-outs to confident, productive people who have created their own opportunities to feed and care for their families. 

Do you want to enable communities like Kyempo to transform their lives and create radical generational change?